“Cross Village is probably the oldest settlement of continuous occupany in the state of Michigan. Through the primitive period it was a center of Indian trade, and during much of the time it was a convenient source of supply for the corn needed to feed the voyageurs.”

Milo M. Quaife in Lake Michigan

Early Beginnings

Since the late 1600s, people have lived in present-day Cross Vilage, just south of where Wycamp Creek enters Lake Michigan. Beginning with the establishment of a Native American village, Cross Village has been home to people of many different ethnicities.

Cross Village's Early History »

19th Century Growth

During the 1800s, Cross Village experienced many changes. From Michigan's ascension to statehood in 1837, Fr. Weikamp's 38 year reign, and the success of the lumber industry, Cross Village transformed from a Native American village to a prospering lumber town.

Cross Village during the 1800s »

Present Day

Today, Cross Village is a quiet town overlooking Lake Michigan. Known for its scenery and remoteness, many tourist flock to the town during the summer and fall months to enjoy the natural beauty of the region.

Cross Village Today »